Cats, Rats & WoW: Tribute to a Legendary Rat

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Tribute to a Legendary Rat

Seems odd to mention rats on Jazz's blog, but just to let you know there probably won't be any updates for the rest of the week. My ancient, much loved rat Stan is very poorly, and there's nothing the vet can do. It's a tough time for us as he's a huge part of the family. We have him home with us for a couple more days to spoil him rotten, but on Friday the decision has to be made :( His brother went to the bridge 2 weeks ago, and I'm sure they miss each other something chronic.

Jazz doesn't mind Stanny posting a pic here, as he's a legend in his own right.

This was taken awhile ago, right now he has a tumour on his side which is now almost as big as he is, and growing faster by the day :( It first appeared around 3 months ago, but due to Stan's advanced age and breathing problems the vet wouldn't consider operating. It was instead decided to let him carry on for as long as he was comfortable.

The worst thing in the world about having pets is having to make this awful decision for them - as to what's best and when it's time. Rats, dogs, ferrets, doesn't matter what hurts just as much no matter who it is.

*Update* - Stan went to the bridge on Friday evening. We miss him terribly :(


Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are very sorry about Stan. Purrrs.

Mickey's Musings said...

I am so sorry about Stan.While it is a hard part of having companions,letting a loved pet go peacefully ,rather than suffer in pain, is one act if kindness we can do. We will be thinking about you.
Mickeys Mom

Anonymous said...

Poor you, Stanny the last one?

vicki said...

It is hard. Stanny is going to be missed.

Daisy said...

Stan, I wish I could have known you better. You seem like a very good rat, and I can tell you made your family happy.

Jazz said...

We still have Fred and Barney, they're getting on for 18 months old now. Stan & Nogg where the real legends though..Stan has known every single rat we've ever had. I don't know what I'll do without him to be honest.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ohhh Jazz, we are so sorry about Stan. Our neighbor kitty Mr. Bing just went to the Bridge, so we know how sad it is ...
Love, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Anonymous said...

Sorry about Stan, he looks like a lovely chap

Anonymous said...

Stanny will be missed so much - please give him a special kiss from us.

vicki said...

Rest In Peace Stanny.


Kaz's Cats said...

We're so sorry about little Stan - it's always hard when a family member leaves, but it sounds like you looked after him really well even when he was very sick.

Gentle Purrs

Gypsy & Tasha